
Refund Policy

Last Updated on: 1 November 2023


At GetLikes, we strive to provide exceptional service and quality in our social media marketing products. Our Refund Policy applies to all digital products purchased on our website.

General Conditions

We offer refunds for our digital products under the following conditions:

  • The product has not been delivered within the specified delivery time.
  • There was a material deficiency or issue with the product provided.
  • The product was not as described on our website.

Refund Process

To initiate a refund, customers must:

  • Contact our support team within 7 days of purchase.
  • Provide a valid reason for the request.
  • Supply any necessary documentation or evidence related to the product issue.

Non-Refundable Circumstances

Certain circumstances do not warrant a refund, including:

  • Change of mind after purchase.
  • Minor discrepancies or features that do not significantly impact the overall functionality of the product.
  • Issues beyond the control of GetLikes, such as changes in social media platform policies or account restrictions imposed by third-party platforms.

Refund Approval

Refund requests are subject to verification and approval by the GetLikes team. Upon approval, refunds will be processed within a certain number of days to the original payment method.

Contact Information

For any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, please contact our customer service department at support@getlikes.com.

Policy Changes

GetLikes reserves the right to modify this Refund Policy at any time. We encourage customers to review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website.