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Discord is a popular platform among gamers, where they can communicate with each other through voice chat, texts, and even video calls. After the pandemic, Discord has also been widely adopted by users from different fields for their day-to-day communications. If you have created a Discord account, you might have already added your phone number. But what if you want to remove your phone number from Discord now? Is it possible? Yes, it is. In…

What does ISO mean on Social Media? If you’re actively using Social Media, you must have heard about the term “ISO” multiple times. But have you ever thought what it means? And why do people use it? If you’re not a Genz and do not spend most of your time on the Internet, you probably won’t know about terms like “ISO.” But in today’s age, understanding these acronyms is a must if you want to…

What does the green dot mean on LinkedIn? If you’re also having the same question inside your mind, you’re in the right place. LinkedIn is the world’s most popular professional networking platform, with over 1 billion active users from all around the globe. It’s a place where professionals from different backgrounds, regions, countries, and companies share their opinions and network with each other. Whether you want to connect with a Fortune 500 company CEO or…

Finding your Instagram URL is essential for various purposes such as promoting your account and sharing it with others. It is a unique link that represents your Instagram profile. To find your Instagram URL, simply add your username to the end of the link: This will be your Instagram URL. Key Takeaways: Your Instagram URL is the web address that represents your Instagram profile. To find your Instagram URL, add your username to the…