
Jenna Marwood


What does business chat mean on Instagram? If thatā€™s what you are trying to figure out right now, you have landed in the right place. If you have just opened a brand new Instagram profile for your business and hope to promote your products or services, you will find many helpful business-related features on Instagram. One of the features that most businesses use is the business chat feature. If you have never heard of or…

Wondering how to change the Instagram notification sound? Donā€™t worry. Weā€™ve got you covered. Listening to the same notification sound can be boring, so you might want to switch to a different notification sound to spice things up. The good news is you can always change your Instagram notification sound anytime. And it literally takes less than a minute to do it. In this blog post, we will show you, how you change Instagram notification…

Discord is a popular platform among gamers, where they can communicate with each other through voice chat, texts, and even video calls. After the pandemic, Discord has also been widely adopted by users from different fields for their day-to-day communications. If you have created a Discord account, you might have already added your phone number. But what if you want to remove your phone number from Discord now? Is it possible? Yes, it is. In…

Are Instagram notes not showing on your device?Ā  Donā€™t worry, youā€™re not alone. Itā€™s a quite common issue that most of the Instagram users face due to multiple reasons. In this post, weā€™ll figure out why the issue of the Instagram notes not showing up occurs and how you can quickly fix it. So, without wasting any further time, letā€™s dive right in. What Are Instagram Notes? If youā€™re not familiar with Instagram notes and…

More than two billion people use Instagram daily. Like any other tech platform, users face various glitches and issues within Instagram. These days, Instagram issues are popping up more often than weā€™d like.Ā  If we talk about the issues within Instagram, one common problem we have noticed that most users have faced is the crashing of the Instagram app. Why does Instagram keeps crashing?Ā  Is it an internal problem? Or can we fix it? In…

Wondering how to hide notes on Instagram? We’re here to help. Instagram is constantly evolving and experimenting with brand-new features to make the platform more user-friendly and exciting. They often roll out hundreds of new features in the platform to see what works best for the users. One of the features that has quickly gained popularity among Instagram users is Instagram notes. Itā€™s a feature that I personally like. However, it could also get annoying…

Have you archived an Instagram post before that you want to unarchive now, but unfortunately, you donā€™t know how to do it? If youā€™re new to Instagram, features like unarchiving and unarchiving posts may look confusing. But in reality, these features are super easy to operate, and once you understand how to use them, you can level up your Instagram experience and manage your posts efficiently. In this guide, you will learn how to unarchive…

Have you ever encountered a profile while scrolling your DMs with ā€œInstagram userā€ written in their name and no profile picture? Itā€™s a common thing that we have encountered at least once in our lives. But the question that comes up is: What does Instagram user mean? And why the profiles do not have any profile pictures? Are they aliens? Donā€™t worry. Weā€™ve got answers to all your queries. In this blog post, weā€™ll discuss…

Instagramā€™s Explore page is a fun place to explore new things and indulge yourself in your favorite types of content. But sometimes, it gets boring as Instagram keeps showing us the same kind of content and stuff you donā€™t really like. Luckily, you can always refresh the page, and a new set of content will appear on the page. You no longer have to see the same photos or videos over and over again. In…

Wondering about how you can save music on Instagram? Donā€™t worry, we got your back. Whether youā€™re crafting a reel, sharing stories, or simply updating your feed with pictures, one element that can truly ignite your creativity and elevate your content is music. Thankfully, Instagram now has a vast library of music that makes adding music to your posts even easier than before. And Instagram has an excellent feature that allows you to save your…